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Thursday, January 22, 2015

What are you looking at?

"Eyes on me... Eyes on me."

Have you noticed how hard it is to pursue God when you're having a good season? The greatest spiritual difficulty is to focus on God, and to depend on Him, even when we don't feel we need a savior. Difficulties make it almost impossible not to look at God, and His blessings will, a lot of the time, take our focus off of Him. Take the message of the Sermon on the Mount: we need to start whittling down all of our interests and passions until our mind, heart, and body are completely and totally focused on Jesus Christ. Until we are “looking unto Him.”

Sometimes, we find ourselves focusing on the lives of the “saints,” AKA those "goody two-shoes” people of this world, and find our focus has completely shifted from the One who matters most. Focusing on saints, or even trying to become like a saint, will not bring about our salvation. When we look at God, it’s not that we WILL be saved, as if it hasn't occurred yet… when we look at Him, we ARE saved. If our focus is right, we will find what we are looking for. Our problems, our bad attitudes, our depression will cease when we look unto Him.

Do you believe it?

No matter what trial you are going through, look to Him, build your hope on Him.

“’Look unto Me,’ and salvation is, the moment you look.” –Oswald Chambers


Nat's Reflection:

It seems that whenever I have an issue, I look everywhere BESIDES to Him for the answer. I read books, I eat food, I lounge on the couch watching a movie, when all I need to do is look to Him. I worry so much about the future of my child, and my children, and if I will be a good parent, and the entire time I forget that I just need to look at Him, and I am saved. He will save me from being a bad parent. No, He already has saved me from being a bad parent. I will be a good, not perfect, mother for my children because I look unto Him. He has saved me.

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