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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Watching God Move

I love watching what God is doing while He is doing it. Sometimes it can be that way with God, like He leans over to you and says, "Now watch what I'm going to do" and it's amazing and leaves you awestruck. That happened today.

Last night at youth group we were teasing one of our high schoolers about how much he needed to go to the summer camp, as this was his first year missing it. He laughed with us and sincerely desired to go but had let his older brother go in his place and the funds just weren't there for them both to go.

One of our helpers at youth group began challenging us, asking if she gave $10, who would give money towards their peer going to camp. They didn't have money on them, not a dollar, and that's okay, that's how I find myself most days.

But that idea stuck. What if. What if we got this young man to camp simply by pooling our resources together and sending him as a gift, because it would be a gift. To say, "Hey, you're paid for! Seeya at camp!"

So you can only guess what I got to tell this young man today? That's right. He's going to camp.

The inspiration that started from one helper offering to put $10 towards this kid who sincerely desired to go to camp, who is the nicest young man you could meet, who comes from a family that pours their hearts, their money, their time into their kids and into the church and school that some of us call home.

I sent the text in faith that would be a gift that this God community could give this young man who is steadfast in his faith.

Twenty minutes later I had to tell people that I appreciated their willingness but that we had actually reached the amount that we needed already. I had to turn down donations! It was done!

I love watching God move in people heart's and in their lives. It's like watching him create a sunset or a mountain range or a fruit-filled valley.

 You think, "Wow God. You are capable of even that" and He looks at you with a grin and says, "I am capable of so much more." And you believe it. Because He has just built up your faith.

So this is the question I leave you with:

Because He is. So you be on the look out!

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