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Friday, March 22, 2013

Bland but not permanently so

"Well, here comes Jesus..."
Sounds a bit like disappointment, doesn't it? The truth is, and yes I'm going to say it: a lot of the time we treat our relationship with the almighty living God, His son Jesus Christ, and the eternal and all-sufficient Holy Spirit as if it's our moral obligation. As if it's our moral obligation to serve Him, like a slave.
But He doesn't want that. He never has. Why else would He have given us the ability to choose?
Jacky and I (Natalie), the creators of this blog, are not pretending like we have it all figured out. To be completely honest, I'm at a rather dry stretch with my relationship with Christ, and it does feel kind of bland at times.
But love never fails. It never gives up. And not for one second have I ever denied the presence of my Lover and my Best Friend in my life.
I'm messy. Imperfect. But I'm loved, and I know it. Jesus Christ is always with me, IN me.
If you're like Jacky and I, and even if you aren't, you're invited here. Hopefully we can all learn together that Christianity is much more than an overused, socially uncomfortable, and politically incorrect word.
And without further ado, welcome to our blog! And, Well, Here Comes Jesus!


  1. Go Jesus! Do your good, Good stuff work in the midst of _____

  2. Amen Donald! Thanks for commenting!
