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Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Run up to the door.

Begin to knock. 

You want answers, you want to go deeper into an understanding of Christ, and it's at THIS address you know such answers are given.

"Cleanse your hands..."
-James 4:8

As you knock, you realize your hands are dirty. You knock louder, knowing you need the help of Him who lives on the other side of this blockade.

"Purify your hearts..."
-James 4:8

"I can't, Lord, not without your help!" Your knocking is more desperate, louder.

-James 4:9

In his devotional, My Utmost For His Highest, Oswald Chambers asks the question: "Have you ever lamented, expressing your sorrow before God for the condition of your inner life?"

Remembering David after Bathsheba, the thief on the cross, the bleeding woman who touched this holy man's robe, you begin to pound on this door. While doing so, in an unsightly mess of boogers an tears, you subconsciously realize how ridiculous you must seem!!

But how much stronger is the Desperation-- you want to see his face!! And not because you just lost your job, not because a family member or close friend is sick... but because it isn't enough. Only He who exists behind the door is enough. 

And Lord help you if you were going to let this block of wood keep you from meeting him face to face!

Slowly, the door creaks upon, rays of light like warm water touching your face.

" him who knocks it will be opened."
-Luke 11:10

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