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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Learn or stay shallow

"Never stop learning." 

I read these three words at the bottom of a card signed by my former boss and current friend, Gabriella Van Breta. For some reason, it stuck with me. Having graduated college just two days ago, Jesus decided to teach me a new lesson: a lesson on learning.

Imagine yourself. About to graduate, but still tethered to the dock. In fact, you realize you've been tethered to that dock, learning the same thing, over and over again for years. And you just can't get it.

Out there, in the wild, untamed sea, is a deeper connection with God Almighty. You want to get there, but something is holding you back. Something is tying you to the dock; keeping you in shallow water. 

Oswald Chambers (you'll soon enough realize I quote him often), says "it's a dangerous thing to refuse to continue learning and knowing more."

What exactly does this imply? That there is a choice behind your inability to go deeper. 

"I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready."
-1Corinthians 2:3

Trace back to a time in your life where God wanted to teach you something, and it had you reeling.

"Oh no. Not this lesson again. I hate this lesson... I'll learn that one some other time."

Did your spiritual self-control turn into spiritual distraction? In other words, did you ignore God and find yourself in a mess of sin: turning to other comforts such as TV, video games, and other distractions? 

Suddenly, did you grapple for an easier lesson, maybe one closer to shore, only to find yourself in a knee-deep, surface-level relationship with your Lord Jesus Christ?

Instead of sulking close to shore, ask yourself these questions. When have you refused to learn something? What's keeping you from cutting the line and going out to sea on the great swelling tide of His purpose?

"Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
-(spoken by Jesus Christ while walking on water; Matthew 14:27)

Where have I refused to learn an important lesson? Help me to see, oh Lord! Help me to not be afraid to learn! Only you can change this rebellious heart of mine and turn it into something pleasing to you! Mature me, oh Lord, so that I can go deeper into your purpose and will for my life. I want to know you more!

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