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Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Two nights ago, I left for Bozeman Montana to go on a three day sabbatical with my Father. And until last night around 6PM, I had only made it to Billings, with a woman who was fighting to get home to her kids.

We met in Seatac. Forty minutes before the flight was supposed to leave, I peered up at the departure screen and the dreaded words greeted me: cancelled. I was at a loss. Moments before I had been trying to get the last seat on the plane, and praying fervently.

"Lord," I had prayed, "if it is not Your will that I go, make the journey impossible."

Dejected, I went over my options. The cancelled flight was the last flight of the day. And after asking a few agents, I discovered that the flights were booked to capacity every day until Wednesday. And I had planned my return trip for Thursday. In a moment of weakness, I sulked against the wall, staring around the terminal and trying not to cry.

I guess You don't want me to go, Lord. I'm sad, but You must have Your reasons.

Just as I was trying to figure out how to collect my checked bags, a customer service agent came up to me.

"Excuse me ma'am. Were you on that Bozeman flight?"

I looked at him, "yeah."

"If you want, I can get you to Billings?"

I smiled politely. "Thanks, but I'm a stand-by passenger."

The agent grinned, despite the chaos ensuing in the room. "If you want on, I'm getting you a seat. No problem."

I called Billings to see if they had cars available and meandered over to the Billings gate.

"Were you on that Bozeman flight?"

It wasn't the agent that asked, but a lady about thirty who was standing at the counter also.

"Yeah. I think I might fly to Billings and drive... Are you doing the same?"

"Yeah. They say I can't get out until Wednesday, and I have to get home to my kids."

"Want to split the cost for a rental car and drive over together?"

We both laughed and she said, "sure!"

Well, we ended up getting a hotel room in Billings (for free because she was a paying customer, and Alaska Air paid for it). Not only did we get a hotel room, but the hotel supervisor decided to give us the two bedroom suite because it was 1:30AM and it wasn't being used. He also gave us a breakfast voucher, and we didn't even ask for one.

"Just cuz I feel bad for you." He smiled and sent us on our way.

The next morning I waited in the living room of our suite for Carly to wake up. 

"Good news!" She said while walking out of her bedroom. "My friend's going to drive us halfway, and then my mom's going to pick us up from there and drive us to Bozeman."

I was shocked, expecting to shell out ninety bucks for a rental car that morning. "Wow. That's extremely nice of them."

We checked out, ate our breakfast, then jumped in the car with her friend. I was in the backseat with a very friendly nine-month-old black lab that loved to give kisses. Watching Billings disappear in the rear view mirror, I marveled at the adventure God was taking me on. 

When I thought it was impossible, He made it possible. He sent this woman to me, and through her showed me the endless love and grace He has for me. He cares for my desires, even my tiny desire to go on vacation. What a good God! He loves little, insignificant me, even in the grand scheme of things. 

I bid farewell to Carly, thanking her profusely. Without her, I didn't think I'd have the confidence, nor the funds, to make the trip happen. 

I did have a moment of weakness when my bag supposedly didn't make the Bozeman flight that afternoon. I had called ahead to make sure it would be on the first Bozeman flight of the day, so I could pick it up and make my way to the cabin. 

"Sorry, it must not have made it." The agent behind the counter said.

I fought back those unruly tears again. "That's weird, they said it'd be on this flight..." 

"It was an overbooked flight, the cargo pit might have been bulked out. Try the next flight, it comes in at 11:45 tonight."

I quietly said thank you around the throb in my throat, and climbed into the car outside. Letting the tears and the anger flow, I called Colin four times before he answered.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?!"

"I'm just mad! My bag didn't make the flight. I got close to zero sleep last night; I called Seattle and they said they'd get it on the plane. Now I can't start the drive up to the cabin until probably midnight tonight, and I wanted to go snowboarding tomorrow!"

Colin probably should have told me to stop whining and being selfish, but instead he empathized with me. "I'm so so sorry... I wish I knew how to make you feel better."

"It's whatever, I have to go, someone's trying to call me."

I pulled over on the side of the road to answer my phone. Someone had been texting and calling me repeatedly while I was fuming to Colin.

I peered at the first text and my jaw dropped.

"Hello Natalie Frazier, this is Zach at the Bozeman airport. We do indeed have your bag! You can pick it up if you are close!"

Hanging my head in shame, I drove back to the terminal where they were waiting with my bag. 

"The strangest thing happened! I could have sworn there were no more bags on the cart, but when I went back to check, there it was!"

I felt like kissing the woman I was so happy.

I called Colin when I got to my car. "Well, I feel like an entitled little baby. They found my bag. I can't believe it."

Colin laughed. "I do. I prayed just as soon as I got off the phone with you that they would have your bag. God performed a miracle for you, bibi."

"Do not worry about your life..." -Matthew 6:25

He says DON'T WORRY, and we say, "Okay, but I need to do this and that..."

But God says DON'T WORRY.

And beware of allowing yourself to believe that he says this while not understanding your circumstances. He understands better than anyone. And you know what? He cares about you! Yes, even you!

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